GreenLab Designer Lite - Energy systems

GreenLab Designer Lite – Energy Systems

The purpose of the GreenLab Designer Lite project is to develop and demonstrate a tool that will help design energy systems for green industrial parks. The tool will enable operators of industrial parks to optimize energy flows and calculate the dynamic energy impact of future investments in energy infrastructure. 

Project results: 
GreenLab Designer Lite is a web-based prototype tool designed to support energy management in eco-industrial parks. It integrates technologies for sector coupling and demand-side management, helping operators mitigate the need for new energy infrastructure investments when new participants join the park. The current version of the tool is available at GreenLab Designer Lite. 

What the researchers think: 
From the start, GreenLab understood our objectives and seamlessly incorporated our requirements into their workflow. Their proactive engagement in early discussions about the first mockup and future features ensured our vision was fully realized. These discussions supported our decisions on both technical and non-technical aspects of the tool. GreenLab's collaboration was key in designing our user story, helping our programmers understand use cases and scenarios. Their strategic insights led to a more effective, user-centric product," says Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen, PhD, Center Manager at SDU 


Funding Agency: 

villum foundaiton logo


Project Contact

Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
PhD Center Manager
Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute
SDU Center for Energy Informatics

GreenLab Contact

Eoghan Rattigan
Industrial Sustainability Scientist
+45 81 10 41 88

Project timeframe

Starts: 01.04.2022
Ends: 31.03.2023

Project result

Scientific Article

Demonstration tool


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