Maureen Sørensen

Meet Maureen Sørensen

What do you do in your role as Application Manager?
I am responsible for developing applications/apps that can help our site-partners to optimize their consumption of various supplies - primarily to utilize each other's surplus products so that we reduce the waste generated in industrial processes.

I am also looking at how we, as a cluster, can optimize consumption and green initiatives so that, as a community, we can achieve even more than individual companies and bilateral agreements. It's quite exciting, and I have high expectations for what we can create from a green transition using data in the cluster.

What attracted you to working at GreenLab?
GreenLab is very clear on the goal of global environmental sustainability, where circular economy and recycling play a significant role in our common future. When I discovered that GreenLab tries to achieve these goals with openness, collaboration, and a high degree of new thinking/innovation, I immediately thought this must be a good match.

My agile background and the values inherent in the agile mindset fit perfectly into GreenLab's culture and working methods, so I could only say yes when I was offered the job.

What challenges are the most interesting in your job?
I like having many different challenges to wrack my brain with and working on exciting projects that make sense and focusing on helping the world become greener take up a lot of my work.

Sustainability and the fact that we are working with the green transition based on where we are today make so much sense!

We don't have a quick fix, so looking into here-and-now opportunities, the slightly longer and the very long term, is very challenging and energizing.

How would you describe your work-life balance?
I really enjoy working on tasks that require something from me. It energizes me - even when I am not working. At GreenLab, there is also great flexibility and the opportunity to work where and when it makes the most sense - this is something I can use to have a good work-life balance so that work, my family and my leisure interests fall nicely into place.

What would you say to someone who is thinking of becoming part of GreenLab?
I would say “go for it”! I go to work happy every day and work with wonderful and intelligent colleagues who are also passionate about succeeding in the green transition. I believe that the way we do it in GreenLab can make a difference.

Fun fact: I love apple cider! A friend and I have started our own small cider business, "Rakkerpak Cider", where we produce crisp cider from locally harvested apples. 


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